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Proctoring for Screening Tests

Ensure test integrity with proctoring capabilities. Monitor candidate activities and prevent malpractices during assessments.

online proctoring tools on

Here's how it works

Once you've created the screening test, simply turn on our proctoring tools. You can now review all the proctoring data collected about the test attempt in our reports.

Prevent Copy and Paste

By turning on this proctoring tool, you stop the candidate from copying and pasting content from outside of the testing environment.

Prevent copy and paste in Tests on
Ensure integrity of your tests via Proctoring

Ensure Integrity

This enables our customers to ensure that their candidates are providing complete answers on their own.

Protect questions from being copied.

Protected Questions

Once this proctoring tool is turned on, it also protects the questions that our customers have set up for the screening tests.

Photo Proctoring

This will enable our recruiters to monitor candidates during their test attempt. Additionally, AI analysis helps detect anomalies.

Showing our system tracking candidate via their webcam, and then shown in report later - we can use arrows here - or image of a real person as in other images of ours.
Missing candidate can be detected.

Missing Candidate

The image analysis helps detect if the candidate was absent at any time during the test attempt.

Multiple candidates can be detected.

Multiple Candidates

The image analysis further helps detect if there was more than one person present during the test attempt.

Review Tab Switching and Copy/Paste events

Out of the box, we provide logging for events such as tab switching and copy/paste during test attempts.

Proctoring also detects tab switches and copy paste events.
Detect and report tab switching.

Tab Switching

Our system tracks every time the candidate leaves the test environment by switching to a different tab. This greatly helps in understanding their behavior during the test.

Detect and report copy paste events.

Copy / Paste Events

Our system tracks every time something is pasted from outside the environment. During coding questions, this data point further provides insights into our candidates' behavior.

Review on Code Playback

Review on Code Playback

You can view all of these events on our code playback screen.

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